Tag: Mushroom

Bird's nest with poached egg and truffle cream

Cooking is often about mixing simple things with something special, and that's exactly what this recipe does. It's called 'Bird's Nest with a Poached Egg and Truffle Cream'. It not only looks beautiful, but also tastes fantastic. The nest is made from a special dough called kataifi, which…

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Celeriac Burger with Mushroom Duxelles and Truffle Yogurt

If you love burgers but can't eat them because you're a vegetarian, then this is the perfect alternative!

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Risotto with mushrooms and dried porcini mushrooms

A simple risotto with few ingredients, that is packed with flavor. That is how we can describe this mushroom risotto. The stars of this dish are the dried porcini mushrooms, which add a deep umami flavor to the rice and the mushrooms, with their earthy notes, add a rich texture. In short, choose…

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