Winter haricot verts salad met sous vide picked chicken, the rouge potato and radish

This delicious farmer's salad is the perfect treat for all salad lovers. This salad is not only delicious, but also super healthy! Treat yourself and others to a delicious winter haricot verts salad and enjoy the colorful combination of picked sousvide chicken fillet, the intense flavor of the mustard dressing and the crispy freshness of radish.

green beans salad

Sous vide chicken fillet; What is sous vide and what do you need?

Sous vide is a cooking method in which we vacuum pack the chicken fillet and then cook it slowly and evenly in a water bath or steam oven with sous vide setting, at a precisely controlled temperature. In this case we are going to do that at 63 degrees. This is the temperature at which chicken has reached perfect cooking. This chicken is perfect to use in salads and soups.

The goal of sous vide is to cook food perfectly, while retaining flavor, texture and juiciness. The process uses lower temperatures than traditional cooking methods, resulting in even cooking and avoidance of excessive heating.

Winter haricot verts salad

Winter haricot verts salad with plucked chicken

(sous vide 63 degrees chicken possible)
Total time 1 hour 10 minutes
Course Salad
Servings 4 people


  • Sous-vide device or steam oven with sous-vide function(you can also cook the chicken, then you don't need it)
  • Vacuum sealer and vacuum bag for the chicken(you can also cook the chicken, then you don't need it)
  • Chef's knife
  • Cutting board
  • Large pan for blanching the haricot verts
  • Baking tray for the potatoes
  • Large bowl for mixing and finishing the salad


For the sous vide chicken

  • 400 gram chicken breast
  • dash of olive oil extra virgin
  • pepper and salt

For the potatoes

  • 600 gram the rouge potatoes cut into coarse cubes
  • 1 teaspoon chili flakes
  • 1 tablespoon dry oregano
  • olive oil extra virgin
  • pepper and salt

For the dressing

  • 100 gram mustard mayonnaise
  • 15 gram White wine vinegar
  • 30 gram olive oil extra virgin

Other ingredients

  • 500 gram clean green beans cut in half
  • 1 grove radish sliced paper thin (best with a mandolin)
  • 60 gram chopped shallot
  • 85 gram lamb's lettuce (1 bag)
  • 20 leaves picked basil
  • 10 twigs thyme just the leaves
  • pepper and salt


The sous vide chicken fillet

  • Cooking chicken
    The tastiest method is to cook the chicken fillet sous vide at 63 degrees, but not everyone has a sous vide device at home. No problem! Then boil the chicken in water for 15 minutes, let it cool slightly and start picking!
    For sous vide, continue to the next step:
  • Preheat the sous vide device to 63 degrees.
  • Vacuum seal the chicken together with olive oil, salt and pepper.
    Vacuum-sealed chicken
  • Cook the chicken in the vacuum bag for 1 hour in the sous vide device.
  • In the meantime, you can of course start with the following instructions
  • After cooking, soak the chicken in cold water for 5 minutes and cut it into pieces.
    plucked chicken

For the potatoes

  • Preheat the oven to 240 degrees Celsius.
  • Cut the potatoes into cubes, place them in an oven dish and mix with the chili flakes, oregano, olive oil, salt and pepper.
    Sliced potatoes
  • Bake the potatoes in the oven for 18 minutes, stirring them every 5 minutes.

For the dressing

  • Mix all 3 ingredients together in a bowl

Other preparation methods

  • Cut the haricot verts, radish and shallots as described in the ingredients list. Place the sliced radishes briefly in ice water. (this makes them a bit crispier)
    sliced radish
  • Blanch the haricot verts in boiling salted water until al dente and then throw them into a bowl of ice water.
    blanch green beans

Finishing the salad

  • Mix the picked chicken, haricot verts, radish, shallots, lamb's lettuce and (cooled) potatoes together in a large bowl.
  • Add the picked thyme leaves, picked basil, and dressing.
  • Mix this and season with salt and pepper.
    Lets eat
    Winter salad